I feel silly even having to write this, but you understand that all the antisemitism stuff is Satan’s spiritual war against God’s people, right?

Think about it, why would one people group that has existed for more than 3,500 years constantly be under attack by pretty much everyone throughout history? Why have their always been people or groups who seek their entire extinction?

You don’t see that with any other people group in history – just the Jews.

The Egyptians, Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Romans, Muslims, Hitler, the Arab natoins, Iran, the PLO, Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah – they all have been intent to exterminate the Jews.

You have to ask yourself why. What is it about being a Jew that stirs up so much hate and violence?

Nothing make sense unless you look at it through a spiritual lense at which point it become crystal clear why the Jews are attacked relentlesly.

The Jews are God’s chosen people. They are the ones who have a covenant with the LORD where He is their God and they are His people.

Because of this, Satan hates Jews and does everything he can do to harm them – to take them out of God’s hand of provision, protection, and position.

Here’s where I’m going to go a little deeper on some spiritual warfare stuff so buckle up!

We know from scripture that every nation has a “Prince” over it. Satan confirms this during the temptation of Jesus in the desert when he tells Jesus all the kingdoms of the world are his to give if Jesus just bows down to him.

We also see this played out in Daniel when the LORD is sending a messenger angel to Daniel that is prevented from getting to Daniel because the “prince of Persia” stopped him.

Who are these princes? Demons. Satan’s minions who blind the eyes of people to the truth of God, the gospel, and Jesus.

So, you have seriously powerful demonic influences raging against God’s people and their weapon of choice is God’s own creation – man.

As a former intelligence hand, this is actually a brilliant operation! Get the other side to fight each other and do your work for you!

The communists used to call people who did this for them “Useful Idiots” but in this case it goes WAY beyond that. Not only is Satan attacking God’s people but he’s marring God’s image bearers at the same time.

How blinded are these people? Here is just some examples of how ridiculous it is:

  • The LGBTQ+ community is blindly supporting Islamacists who would hang them, throw them off rooftops, or behead them for being LGBTQ+.
  • College students are protesting on campuses throughout American but when asked exactly what they are protesting they really can’t say. They’re just doing what their activist trainers are telling them to do.
  • The so-called “adults in the room” are dithering because they secretly support the protests but don’t want to lose their big donors.
  • America – Israel’s greatest friend in the world – is believing the Gaza Health Authority casualty numbers and other propaganda provided by Hamas and calling Israel’s actions human rights abuses. This even though it’s been proved the GHA numbers are false as are their claims of mass graves et al.
  • Some are even equivicating the Hamas’ October 7 attack was justified because – well – Israel.

I want to make this as clear as possible: Satan wants to KILL anything that is of God. His chosen people; His creation; His grafted in followers of Jesus – everything God loves.

If you remember back to October 7 everyone knew that the world would turn on Israel. The Israeli government, conservative talking heads, and even the Biden Administration talked about how people would turn on Israel if the operation against Hamas lasted too long and wasn’t done in proportionality.

What, exactly, is proportional to burning babies in an over, raping and cutting off the genitalia of girls and women, murding family members in front of each other, and shooting someone in the head so many times that their face can no longer be identified?

All these warnings about how everyone would turn on Israel has come true. Even Biden is chastizing Israel and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjemin Netanyahu’s ouster.

But don’t be fooled – it’s all Satan working to crush God’s people just as he always has.

Here’s the good news: Satan has already lost.

If you’re not familiar with the Bible, grab one and head to the final book of sripture (Revelation) and go to chapters 21-22. In the end, there will be a new heave and a new earth, and a new Jerusalem will come down from heaven. A remnant of Jews will be saved (there’s always a remnant of Jews!), who will live with God in the new Jerusalem. All 12 tribes of Israel will be reunited and God’s people will continue to be God’s people. Beautiful.

Okay, I hear you Christians – “What about us? Aren’t we God’s people, too???” Of course, through Jesus we’ve been grafted in and are adopted into the family of God. We are the ones who repopulate the new earth (the new eden) and come to the New Jerusalem bearing gifts for God! Read with me Revelation 21:22-27

22 I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. 24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. 25 On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. 26 The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. 27 Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

For me, watching the world turn on Israel is tough but I understand it from a biblical perspective. There are two things going on here:

  1. Satan is trying to destroy God’s chosen people
  2. Israel is reaping what is sowed by not following God’s command when they entered the Promised Land (Deut. 7.1-2; 20.16-18) and now the nations are a thorn in their side (Judges 2-3)

Until Jesus comes again we are going to see Jews and Israel attacked over and over and over again. Satan is relentless and any of us who stand up for Israel, the Jews, and any of God’s ways also will be attacked. Folks, it’s just going to get worse.

But take heart, Jesus has over come the world!! This too shall pass and there comes a day of no more tears, no more pain, and no more Satanic attacks!

If you are one of those confused as to where your alliances should be I’ll make it as simple as possible: Choose God and His people over Satan and his.