Heavy, Deep & Real

with Tom Mann

Life After Foster Care A Survival Guide

Having lived in a dozen homes growing up and suffering physical and emotional abuse, neglect, food insecurity, and homelessness I have a unique insight to the challenged former foster kids will face when the “age out.” God put it not just on my heart but in my head to write this post-foster care survival guide.

It usually takes me roughly 8 to 12 months to write a book. I penned this one in three weeks as God poured the words out of me. My hope is this book will not only help those just leaving the foster care system, but those who have been out of the system years, as well as those who work with foster kids and those who have relationships with former foster kids.

While foster care can be a truly life-saving system for abused kids, it also can be its own nightmare causing as much or more trauma than what put a kid in the system in the first place. No matter how one ended up in foster care and their own personal experience, I believe this survivor’s guide will be of some help as one navigates their way through their post-foster care world!

Cover Amazon

The book both hardcopy and Kindle are available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Life-After-Foster-Care-Survival/dp/B0BW3HG3GX/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2W06ZJCGBRUBR&keywords=Life+After+Foster+Care&qid=1684358396&sprefix=life+after+foster+car%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-2

Here is the link to the book in PDF

Life After Foster Care PDF Final